Guided Tour how it is




14:30 - 15:30 Uhr

Treffpunkt: Volkskundemuseum, Kassa
Kosten: 2,50 € exkl. Eintritt
Ort: Volkskundemuseum

Wir bitten Sie um Anmeldung unter 0316/8017-9810 oder

What is it like when the only constant is change itself? What is "typically Styrian" apart from pumpkin, Styrian apple and "Puch moped"? Do we need such unambiguities at all? The world is changing and Styria as part of the world is changing with it. The permanent exhibition in the Folklore Museum, newly opened as part of the "Steiermark-Schau", is a careful stocktaking of Styrian contemporary society. We invite you to a tour that aims to provide an overview of the diverse themes. It is about being and staying connected, about being on the road voluntarily and forced, and about dealing with crises. Always with a view to the present and the past at the same time. And finally, you might want to stop by the new Café Grün.



8010 Graz, Österreich

T: +43-316/8017-9810

