Here you can find printable visual material on the Mobile Pavilion and its exhibitions as well as on SHOWING STYRIA 2023.

Photo and filming permits

Editorial usage

Requests for photo and filming permissions for editorial purposes
Universalmuseum Joanneum
Press contact
Mariahilferstraße 4, 8020 Graz, Austria
Mobile: +43-664/8017-9214 und DW -9213

Copyright for the use of images

Publication is permitted exclusively in the context of announcements and reviews related to the exhibition. Please avoid any cropping of the images. Thank you for crediting the photographs according to the enclosed indications.


We expressly prohibit the subsequent processing and alteration as well as editing of the images using electronic systems.
Any use of an image is at the risk of the user. Passing on the images to third parties is expressly prohibited.
The Universalmuseum Joanneum accepts no liability in connection with the use of the image

Commercial use

Filming and photography permits for commercial purposes
Universalmuseum Joanneum
Joanneum to rent
Mariahilferstraße 4, 8020 Graz, Austria
Mobil: +43-316/8017-9218 und DW -9271
Fax: +43-316/8017-9212


Image requests for commercial purposes
Universalmuseum Joanneum
Mag. Silvia Millonig
Mariahilferstraße 4, 8020 Graz, Austria
Mobil: +43-316/8017-9724
Fax: +43-316/8017-9677